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Legal Information

Welcome to which is published by UBS Investment Bank Plc - Swiss Forex Capital Bank..

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Corporate name: UBS Investment Bank Plc

Capital Formation: € 2,396,307,068 divided into 1,198,153,534 shares with a par value of €1.70 (on June 21, 2010)

Incorporation Details: Swiss n° 617 042 449

Title N°: 07 022 735

C.E. Identification name: BGN76662042449

Registered Office: 21 Sveta Nedelya Sq.-1100 Sofia (Bulgaria)


•Legal representative: Maldini Prestovich, Chief Executive Officer

•Website manager: Thornburg Etienne, Head of Communication

•Contact: Zillah Einspahr, Head of Multimedia and New Technology

•Designer: Creative View and Swiss Internet Merchantele- CH

UBS Investment Bank Plc wishes to draw users' attention to the following information

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UBS Investment Bank Plc shall reserve the right to correct the contents of the site at any time and without notice. Furthermore, UBS Investment Bank Plc shall have no liability in the event of any delay, error or omission regarding the contents of these web pages, nor in the event of any interruption to the service or of the service ceasing to be available.

UBS Investment Bank Plc will not be held liable for any decision taken on the basis of information provided on this site, nor for the use that may be made thereof by third parties. Any person who wishes to benefit from the services and/or the products presented on this site should consult the contractual terms and conditions applicable to said products and/or services, and the price list, which are available at local branches of UBS Investment Bank Plc.

Access to the products and services presented on this site may be subject to restrictions in respect of certain persons or in certain countries. No product and/or service shall be provided by UBS Investment Bank Plc to any person if such product and/or service contravene the law in his native country, or in any other country by which he is concerned. However, it shall be incumbent on the interested party to check in advance that his legal or tax status enables him to subscribe to products and/or services presented on the site, by consulting his usual advisers.

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The UBS Investment Bank Plc site contains hyperlinks to sites that are not controlled by UBS Investment Bank Plc. In consequence, UBS Investment Bank Plc shall not have any liability for the contents of sites that users are able to access through its own site.


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If you have any questions in regard to this Notice, please contact us:


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We offer a wide range of financial services to your delight. To cut a long story short, we are committed to helping you or your organization build and manage your financial assets in a comprehensive, insightful way, with intelligent financial solutions delivered by industry experts you can trust.


Personal Banking

We does it better

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* Credit/Prepaid/Debit Card
* Online Services
* Mortgage & Lending
* Treasury Management Solution


Corporate Banking

We bring Banking to your door step

* Checking & Savings
* Credit/Prepaid/Debit Card
* Online Services
* Lending
* Treasury Management Solution


Forex Banking

Freedom growing your wealth

* Foreign Exchange Management Service
* International Brokerage Service
* Forex Investment Service
* Banking services
* Card Services
